The Real-Life Spongebob
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Well, it's Spongebob and his friends, of course. And while we all know that this animated cartoon isn't real, the makers of this hit TV show did get one thing right: all of the characters in Spongebob Squarepants are creatures that can be found under the sea. This AI-generated image proves it, and it also proves just how weird it is that a sea sponge would wear a shirt and slacks.
This image has made us question everything. And although we love the TV show, something about this makes us feel a little uneasy. A squid in a shirt? It's just weird.
The Swedish Snoop Dogg
Even if you don't like Snoop Dogg's music, you have to love him as a person. Whether he's narrating nature documentaries or hanging out at the Paris Olympics, he's one of the funniest celebrities in the public eye. That's why we don't think he'll mind that he's been turned into a sultry Swedish version of himself. Although we do have to wonder whether this AI-generated image was trying to turn him into a Targaryen...
Whatever the case, we happen to think that he looks good as a blond! His luscious locks look great in the braids, but we'd love this image to go one step further and let those long locks flow.
Introducing Dora the Explorer
We can all agree that Dora the Explorer was one of the best shows on TV, right? Dora not only taught us the power of adventure, but she also taught us a little Spanish along the way. But one thing we didn't account for was that all of that traveling and all of those adventures would have made her pretty physically fit. A little like this AI-generated images, in fact.
Forget Dora the Explorer, this young lady is more like Dora the Destroyer. And with Boots by her side, we bet there's no stopping her as she travels the world.
All About the Furry Frogs
If you're looking at this image and can't look away, we don't blame you. It's not every day you see a furry frog, and while we know we should be grossed out and disgusted by such a bizarre and unnatural animal, it's also one of the most intriguing things we've ever seen. On the one hand, it looks crazed and strange. On the other hand, something about it is weirdly cute.
We'd love to be able to give this little furry frog a cuddle at least once in our lives, but we have a feeling that this cuteness is definitely coupled with some kind of toxicity.
Tube City
Do we have any fans of The Office here? Of course we do, as it's the greatest show on earth. And hardcore fans will know that this AI-generated image is just a much larger version of Michael Scott's 'Tube City' - and it's pretty remarkable. From the giant tubes to the hamsters poking their heads out of them, it's fair to say that Michael should be proud of what he's made.
We have a feeling that Dwight and the gang probably wouldn't agree with us, but they can just sit at their desks and miss out on all the fun. We're sticking with Michael.
A Dog or a Raccoon?
Hands up if you love dogs? And keep your hands up if you love raccoons? Well, there's a high chance that some of your hands have faltered for the latter option, as most people would choose dogs over raccoons any day. But this AI-generated image is causing us to question everything we ever thought we knew about dogs and racoons, as this dog/racoon hybrid is one of the cutest things we've ever seen.
But we all know that looks can be deceiving, and we have a feeling that in real life, this animal would be the cheekiest thing in the world. One minute, it'll be stealing your socks, and the next minute, it'll be rifling through your trash.
Look at Those Muscles
We live in a world where people are obsessed with muscles. Yep, head to any gym, and you'll find muscle heads pumping iron and doing everything they can to build muscle and make themselves as big as they can possibly get. But have you ever seen anyone like this? This AI-generated image just goes to show that you sometimes can't trust technology to come up with something human - as this guy doesn't look human at all.
If we're being totally honest, we've lost track of how many arms, legs, hands, and feet are in this image. But at least he only has one head. If not, that would have been even freakier.
Where Are You, Ohio?
If you live in the U.S., there's a high chance that you're familiar with the map. You probably know where each state can be located, you probably know where there are mountains and where there's flat land, and you probably know every corner and border. So, can you spot what's missing on this AI-generated map? You guessed it; Ohio has been completely removed, leaving behind a giant crater in its wake.
We're not sure what this image really achieves, but it's pretty wild to see what the country would look like without one of its states. Where will we get our Buckeyes from now?
One Ariana "Grande" to Go
Sure, Ariana Grande may be one of the most famous singers of all time. Sure, her pony may be iconic. Sure, she's even turning her attention to the acting world. But that won't stop the people of this world from making fun of the fact that her surname is used by Starbucks customers every day. So, it was only a matter of time before someone made a hilarious AI-generated image like this.
This Ariana Grande to go order looks absolutely delicious. And while we'd hate to assume, that definitely looks like a caramel frappuccino. Although we'd like ours without the hair in it, please.
A Very British Christmas
You probably don't need us to tell you that the Brits have a bad rep when it comes to their food. Although many countries around the world have delicious and exotic flavors on their plates, the Brits are very... beige. And this AI-generated image proves what we've been thinking all along. Instead of feasting on turkey and stuffing during the holidays, these guys have boxes of beans - and they're not happy about it.
Of course, we know this isn't an accurate representation of the entire British population, but we're sure that there are some Brits out there who do eat beans on Christmas. Maybe for breakfast, anyway.
All Hands on Deck
Do you ever have one of those days where you have so much to do that you wish you had more hands to get the jobs done? Sometimes two just isn't enough, and the idea of having more at your disposal seems like it would make life so much easier. But do you think the same when you look at this image? In our eyes, this is the creepiest thing we've ever seen.
Sure, having extra hands to play the guitar like this would sound wicked, but the reality is that those fingers are bizarre - and not in a cool way. Plus, it would take you ages to wash them all.
A Model With Layers
When you think of Shrek, you probably don't think of haute couture. But we guess this guy has ogre couture, as he looks cooler than ever in this AI-generated image. Just look at that smoulder! Just look at those eyes and eyebrows! And what about those clothes?! This is Shrek like we've never seen him before, and we absolutely love it. After all, you don't often come across a model with layers.
It really is amazing what some waxing and a hairpiece can do, but we do happen to think that the movies would have been very different if this Shrek had been in them.
Let's Play a Game
Although we know this is an AI-generated image, you could easily convince us that this was real. After all, our biggest fear is a light or symbol popping up on our car - and it would be even worse if multiple symbols popped up. In fact, if someone wanted to torture the human race all they'd have to do is force them to drive while more and more symbols popped up on their dash.
What do they all mean?! Will the car explode?! What's with the donuts and apples and lightning bolts?! Whatever they are, they're already giving us heart palpitations and so it's time to move on.
It's a Us... Walter and Jesse
Many of the best things in life come in pairs. Ketchup and mustard. Tom and Jerry. Peanut butter and jelly. Minnie and Mickie, burgers and fries, and Mario and Luigi. But Breaking Bad fans will no doubt want to add Walter and Jesse to that list - and we don't blame them. Because of this, we can only assume that the person who made this AI-generated image was a huge Breaking Bad fan.
Although Walter and Jesse are a dynamic duo all by themselves, it's fair to say that they also look amazing as Mario and Luigi. The hats really finish off the whole look.
The Sidewalk POV
What would you do if you walked onto the street and saw Godzilla causing a ruckus outside? Well, if the movies have taught us one thing, it's that we should all be scared and run in the opposite direction. But when you think about it, those movies aren't exactly accurate. They always show shots of Godzilla from the side where he looks impressive, angry, and intimidating. But the view from the sidewalk is very different.
In reality, the people on the sidewalk just see a creature with a lot of junk in the trunk - and you can't help but laugh at it. How can you be scared when you have that hilarious image above you?
One Big Happy Family
There's nothing wrong with having a big family. In fact, many people are jealous of how many kids, cousins, aunts, and grandparents that some people have in their families. But one thing we all need you to know is that big family group photos always look a little weird. Sure, they never look as weird as this AI-generated image, but they still look pretty weird. Especially when you zoom in on the faces.
Although from afar, it looks like a lovely group shot, the faces tell a different story. Someone is always blinking, another person just doesn't want to be there, and then others are smiling so hard they look like they're from a horror film.
Coolest Dragon Ever
What we love about AI is the fact that it can make things that are already cool even cooler. And if you don't believe us, just look at this! We probably don't need to tell you that fighter jets are cool. And everyone knows that dragons are the coolest things ever. So, when you mix those two things together and make a dragon fighter jet, you basically win the whole internet.
We dare you to find anyone on this planet who isn't impressed with this AI-generated image because we doubt there's a person alive who doesn't think this is so cool.
The Incredible Spider-Zombie
Well, Peter Parker has really let himself go, hasn't he? The last time we checked on him he was a perfectly healthy young man who would often don his superhero suit to swing through the city and save the world. But we guess times are hard in the superhero world right now, as seen by this picture of the Incredible Zombie-Spider. And while we don't know what happened to Peter, we wish him a full recovery.
Okay, in all seriousness, this AI-generated image is pretty scary, and the more you look, the scarier it gets. Just make sure you don't focus on the eyes too much, otherwise you won't sleep tonight.
Nicolas Can't Be Caged
You know how some people say that they can't be tamed? Well, we guess Nicolas can't be Caged, as this AI-generated image of the actor proves that he just does what he wants - even when the Walmart security guard doesn't like it. And while we understand that there are rules and regulations when it comes to grocery stores, we happen to think that they're exaggerating more than they need to.
After all, he's just riding through the grocery store on his motorcycle cart. What does a Hollywood legend have to do around here to get a carton of milk and some bread?
A Whale of a Time
What do you see when you look at this image? A bizarre AI-generated image or a poignant message about captivity? Well, we guess you could see it both ways, as it's not every day you see a whale turning into a giant airplane. But we guess if that whale was flying away from the people trying to capture it, the whole thing is actually quite beautiful. In a very strange way.
We guess this is just a very special whale, though, as the other ones around it don't seem to possess the same flying powers. So, let's just hope there's space on the whale plane for all of them.
Stressed-Out Taylor
Taylor Swift is the kind of woman who can do anything. She can write some of the most heartbreaking songs in the world while also writing songs that lift us up and make us feel happier than ever. And while she's also known for her epic sense of humor, this AI-generated image seems to suggest that she doesn't have a huge amount of patience. Especially not when irritating customers are involved.
We don't know what the customer said to Taylor to make her so mad, but we have no doubts that she wrote a song about them when she'd finished punching the TV.
Trail Cam Footage
If you need a few minutes to truly absorb what's going on in this image, we don't blame you. We've never been so intrigued by an image as this is both weird and wonderful. On the weird side you have the fact that Jason is running through the forest being chased by a pack of geese that seem to have been herded by Jesus. This is something we can quite honestly say we've never seen before.
Yet, on the wonderful side, you have the fact that Jason is running through the forest being chased by a pack of geese that seem to have been herded by Jesus!
Happy Birthday to You
AI allows us to explore what the future may hold, and it's fair to say that this is one of the most thought-provoking images we've seen today. We have no idea what the world will look like in thousands of years time, after all. But with the constant technological advancements taking place, there's a chance that we could live forever and eventually celebrate our 20,000th birthday from a hyperbaric chamber.
Would you want to live that long, though? Although the cake does look delicious, we bet cake just doesn't taste the same when you've tasted it almost 20,000 times in your life.
Get the Job Done
Let's be honest; nobody actually likes working. We all do it because we have to, and most of us try and find ways to make our work as efficient as possible so it doesn't take up too much of our time or energy. And while we know that this isn't a real image, we can't help but think that this is a pretty good idea. After all, why use a giant cement mixer when you could just vomit up the cement instead?
If we all worked like this, we wouldn't need any tools in our day-to-day lives. But alas, this is just an AI-generated image of something and someone that doesn't really exist.
Ice Cream Is Grrrrrrreat
Tony the Tiger has had an impressive glow-up, hasn't he? We guess that ditching cereal for ice cream cones has a big effect on your physical appearance, as this guy looks totally jacked. In fact, you can barely see where his stripes begin and his muscles end. There is one thing about this AI-generated image that isn't quite making sense to us, though. Why is he eating an ice cream cone with a spoon?
The whole point of an ice cream cone is that you don't have to use any utensils, but we guess Tony the Tiger just does what he wants. Especially when he has those muscles behind him.
Hitching a Ride
Everyone knows that cats do what they want, right? Although you can have a cat as a pet, they're ultimately going to live their own lives and ignore you whenever you want to get close to them. But have you ever wondered what they do when they leave your home and venture into the unknown? Well, this AI-generated image could give you a little idea of what they get up to.
Yes, they hitch a ride on the school bus, duh. But not just that, either. As well as riding the school bus, they also drive them - because cats do whatever they want.
Rocks and Roll
You've heard of rock and roll, but what about literal rocks and roll? And while we know that this is an AI-generated image of a Metallica concert in the middle of the Grand Canyon, we have a feeling that many people reading would love it if this were real. It would be pretty cool to see one of the greatest band of all time in one of the greatest natural wonders, after all.
We do have to question the logistics of this concert, though. Flying people in and out by helicopter would take hours, and that's before we mention the vibrations and the unstable rocks around the stage.
Time for Church
There are two kinds of people in this world; those who willingly go to church, and those who feel like they're forced to go to church every week. And we can only assume that the woman in this AI-generated image is part of the latter category, as she doesn't look too happy to be pushed into the church in her Iron Maiden T-shirt. We're not sure what the trolley is all about, though.
Bizarre as the situation is, we'd encourage you to take a moment to look away from the woman in the trolley and the man pushing her. Just look at the faces of the people in the background... scary.
You're Hired!
Job interviews are tough, right? As well as trying to remember all of your skills and experience, you also have to try and forge a relationship with the person or people interviewing you - even if you absolutely despise them. But if you thought that your previous job interviews were scary, just take a look at this AI-generated image. We have a feeling that those faces will haunt our nightmares tonight.
Even if we were offered a job by these guys, we're not sure we'd take it. The eyes are the windows to the soul, after all, and those eyes are pretty freaky...
Getting Hot in Here
If you ask AI to create a holiday-themed image, there's a high chance that you'll be met with an image filled with Christmas trees, snow, presents, stockings, and other typical holiday treats. But we guess the person who made this image was a bit annoyed with Tesla when they asked AI to create a holiday-themed photo. Why else would there be a LEGO Tesla on fire? It just doesn't make sense.
From the looks of it, this kid wasn't too happy to receive such a gift on Christmas day. But let's hope that he made the most of the fire by roasting chestnuts on it, at least.
A Space Lullaby
These AI-generated images are just getting weirder and weirder, aren't they? And while there's no doubt about the fact that this one is downright bizarre, we can't help but think that it's also pretty beautiful. If aliens exist (we'll let you discuss that one amongst yourselves), we guess they have their own lives and hobbies, too. And if this alien wants to sing to the cows it's abducting, who are we to stop it?
It seems as though this guy loves to sing, too. With that outfit, the guitar, and the microphone, this is definitely not the alien's first singing rodeo. Let's hope the cows are okay, though.
Mind Your Head
The internet is a strange place, and what's even stranger is the fact that you can use AI to alter historical photos in any way you like. And we don't know about you, but we have a feeling that this historical image has definitely been manipulated in some way. Can you spot where, though? Of course, we're talking about the giant head! You can't miss it, to be quite honest.
While we're sure this was a quirky photograph to begin with, there's no doubt about the fact that it's now one of the most bizarre things the internet has ever seen.
Check Meowt
Have you ever wondered what would happen if Nyan Cat and artificial intelligence had a baby? Well, look no further. Although Nyan Cat hasn't been popular for a few years, it seems as though AI has brought it back to the center of our attention - and the center of our universe. It looks better than ever, and just look at those colors! We want to go and hang out with Nyan Cat.
We don't really know why someone decided to make this bizarre AI image, but we do know one thing for certain: We're going to use it as our screensaver from now on.
Eat Your Celery
If you didn't know this was an AI-generated image, there's a high chance that you'd think that this was real. It's the kind of thing that people post on the internet all the time, after all. Although, in most cases, people aren't holding giant lumps of celery to show off their weight loss. But we guess the person behind this AI image just really loved celery, which is why they made it the star of the show.
Now we come to look at it; we're not even sure that this before and after image is of the same person. Perhaps it's just two people who really love celery?