1. Make Some Noise for Mr. Invisible
Although Mr. Invisible loves the sport, he is also taking precautionary measures to prevent a head injury.
According to news, it was a one-sided game because Mr. Invisible just wanted to win and so he started to play without his helmet.
2. Valentine’s Day Photo of The Year
We hope that this photo was taken while John Paul Young's song "Love in the air" was playing in the background.
Just so you may know, it is also a perfect photo for anyone who loves coffee and hates Valentine's Day.
3. Don't Drop It
Now here is a perfectly timed photo that required some creativeness and patience.
Thankfully they didn’t drop the moon, or else there would be some leakage in it. Okay we admit that it was a lame dad joke.
4. Calling For Duty
When duty calls, you got to leave whatever you’re doing. It is exactly what this man did.
More respect for you. Legend has it that he safely landed on the ground with the same pose and without opening his parachute.
5. Great Landing Place
After looking at this photo, we’ve started to believe that it is a waste of money to build helipads.
Why build helipads when you can easily land helicopters on human legs.
6. You Don’t Believe Giant Cats Exist? Okay Just Wait!’
Next time anyone tells you that big cats don’t exist, just show that person this photo.
Before you show this photo, make a bet of like $100. You’ll win the bet for sure.
7. When Photography Made Diving Into Swimming Pool More Awesome
Diving into a swimming pool is fun, but it isn’t awesome. However, the photographer knew how to make it look super impressive.
The details in this photo are really remarkable. We loved it!
8. Taking Fun Everywhere You Go
Who knew riding a bus would be so fun. They seem like having a great time of their lives.
Well, it can be a lot of fun if you take along an aquapark with you.
9. ‘Hey, Where Are You Taking Away The Sun?’
The authorities took quick action to prevent the sun from getting stolen.
According to resources, it was a rouge alien who was jealous of our lovely sun.
10. An Alien Taking A Swim
In a 2002 American science fiction horror film Signs, it is shown that aliens are afraid of water.

Well, this alien is not like those shown in the movie. This one is just enjoying taking the usual morning alien swim.
11. Just Some Clouds Supporting A Tree
The tree was feeling sad that all its leaves had fallen, so the clouds came to support it.
Scenes like this happen in cartoons, so it is refreshing to see them in real life as well.